Hello fellow hackers, this blog is different and it’s part of a Tryhackme’s(a cyber security learning platform) Pre-Security event.
I hope you guys will learn something new from this review blog.
So last week all the rooms in PreSecurity learning path were released , big shout out and kudos to it’s creators and Tryhackme team.
Now before hoping on the train of how to become a hacker and spraying payloads everywhere. I think it is very important to understand that one should have very clear understanding of few basics like What is networks? How web works? Linux & Windows basics and little bit of programming language at least so you can read and understand the code.
Now many of courses are out there which teaches you the same basics and charges lot of money. But what if i say you can learn it for free. Yes! Tryhackme is your solution. They provide best labs and training material . Which is beginner friendly and mostly free.
Speaking of Pre-security learning path , i think it’s a full package for learning fundamentals. It covers following topic like:
- What is cyber-securiy?
- Network Fundamentals.
covering what is Internet, First Internet Model ARPANET , How your routers, LAN, WAN, switches ,hubs works in a network. What are subnets, gateway , routing ip packets, communication between computers etc.
Then it will cover OSI Model and its 7 layers which is universal set of working for every device connected on internet. It continues with what are packets and frames in network and how they work & the list continues.
The best thing is they don’t just teach you theory they have related labs for every topic and this time they did great work with the labs interactive learning , speaking of personal of experience.
Learning while gaming in retro style escape :)
- How the web works?
After learning how your computers talk to other computers , next step comes is learning how a client and server talks on internet. What is a DNS server , different prtocols, How your browser’s http requets look like , different methods to send your requets and all. Basically you will get an idea of what happens behind the scenes when you asks google for your favourite food’s recipe ;)
- Linux Fundamentals
This module will be of great help if you have a fear of linux and it will guide you step by step how to get started with linux and from basic commands to some pretty intermediate level commands and understanding linux file structure and environments.
- Windows fundamentals.
I bet everyone uses or used windows at some point of time but still you will be surprised by how much new things,shortcut s & windows commands you will learn after completing this module. You will get more comfortable using window’s command line or cmd.exe
In other words I would say this presecurity path is a whole sum package for things you must learn if you want to start a career in cybersecurity.
It was a great experience for me doing this semi-free module( some rooms are vip only). Still these free contents is more worth than any course out there claiming to make you a hacker in a crash course.
If you havn’t signed up already signup today on tryhackme.
Tryhackme: https://tryhackme.com/
and do check out their
Pre-Security path : TryHackMe.com/path/outline/presecurity
Enjoy your stay on tryhackme and learn new things.
until next time.